How to find an address
- Indicate your address as follows: street and number, city and postal index. For example: Cumhuriyet Cd. 50 D, 34367 İstanbul. Normal English spelling for major cities should be ok. In some cases though, local language spelling can be helpful. Postal index is often not necessary.
- If you are not sure about how to write correctly the name of the city or the town, you can look it up on the map. To navigate on the map you need to use your mouse. To change the scale you should use the buttons "+" and "-" situated in the bottom right corner of the map.
- You can see it on the map if your address was correctly identified. Please be patient as it can take up to 30 seconds for the map to load.
- Note that the system may not always be able to identify the name of the street, especially in small towns. If this is the case, just use the name of the city or the town. You can send us your exact address later once we have confirmed your order.
If you wish you can also make your booking or get a quote through our quotation system (In the navigation menu: Our services -> Get a quote). See more details in our FAQs.